Established in October, 2003 and located in Zhejiang province China, Fairway (Hangzhou) Environment Tech. Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacture of ventilating fans and cooling equipment, such as all kinds of ventilating fans, ventilating ductworks, cooling towers, motors, reducers and screw water chiller etc.
Our products are widely applied in electric power, construction, transportation, papermaking, chemistry, and other Major industries. After many years' development, the products are very popular by our customers which covering East Europe, America, Canada, Australia, South America, Japan, Singapore, and Malaysia, due to our excellent quality, competitive price and sound service. Now the business relationship has established solidly with more than 1000 clients from over 120 countries in the world.
成立于2003年10月, 位于中国浙江省.公司是以经营通风设备和冷暖空调设备为主营业务的国际性工贸一体化企业,出口产品包括各种风机,通风管,冷却塔,通风设备专用电机及其他配套产品; 进口产品包括减速器,电机,螺杆式制冷机组等. 产品广泛应用于石化、造纸、运输、建筑,电力等行业,获得欧盟,美国,加拿大,澳大利亚,南美洲,日本,新加坡,马来西亚等国家的客户好评。 公司现已同世界上120多个国家和地区的1000多个客户建立了长期稳定的业务关系。
公司长久以来本着“信誉第一,质量取胜”的企业宗旨,贯彻步步为营的原则,在通风,冷暖设备国际贸易这片领域中立于不败之地。公司除了产品在业界拥有良好的口碑,软件方面更是聚集了一批具备优良素质与精湛实务经验的外贸精英,长期地从事着国际贸易工作,自始至终遵循双赢的方针,为客户提供至诚服务。我们一直坚信并且每天都在坚持不懈地做到: 没有最好,只有更好!